When we moved to Borger we moved away from all our family. Mom & Dad are 17 hours East. Kim's mom & dad are 8 hours to the North. We tried traveling at both Thanksgiving and Christmas, but we found it to be too expensive and too taxing on us. So we made the decision to stay home for Thanksgiving and travel over Christmas. This seems to work out just fine we have had family come and be with us on Thanksgiving which is just an added bonus.
We don't normaly do a lot of Christmas shopping on Black Friday so, it has just become a lazy day for us to sleep in or maybe put up Christmas decorations but nothing to tiring. Thanksgiving night Kim and I were sitting watching TV when we heard that Walmart had just opened and begun their black Friday sales. I look at her and she looked at me and I said you wanta go? and She replied, "Why not?" The girls were downstars playing board games with their friends and we told them we would be back in a bit. So off we went. When we pulled up in the parking lot at Walmart my mouth literally fell open. I had never seen som many cars in this parking lot. I had to park four stores down in the strip mall just to find a place. So off we go into the craziness that is called Walmart. We didn't go in looking for anything but it turns out that we got some really good deals.
After a late moring on Friday we picked up Shawn and Mickey Dunigan and headed to Amarillo for our second dose of crasy. And again we ended up coming out really well on things on our list. God was good to us (as always). We spend the whole afternoon shopping and having a good time. Talking over dinner about the wonderful things going on at the Church and how excited we are for the new year to start. We finally pulled in the drive way about 8:30 p.m.