I have spent the last week in Georgia with Kellie getting her ready for school and getting myself ready to move. I went to the Drivers Licence office and got my new Georgia D.L. That was stranger than I thought it would be, good but strange. I guess it was just a final step. I had a wonderful interview with a Church in the area and am excited to see what the Lord will do with me. I even got my Kroger's plus card and book club card from the local book store. Now I know I have moved.
Kellie and I are going to check out a Church this morning I believe the Spirit is going to move on the people and I want to be in that group. I've had a great time with the family. We have cooked out and gone to the pool together. These are things that I haven't got to do with them since I left home when I was 18. This will be the first time in 25 years that have lived around the family. I am so excited for that. I got the house bug while I was here. There are so many amazing deals on homes right now, it is a bit overwhelming. I believe God is pointing me to the right one. Tonight we are supposed to go and look which should be a fun time (if you like that sort of thing).
With all of the move, my mind is still on Borger and the last bit of details that need to be worked out there. I have a few more messages to preach as we make the transition from me to Pastor Shawn, and I am excited to preach them. The Ukraine trip is the last big deal with the team in Borger. We will be flying out on the 9th of August and returning home on the 27th. Kim and I are teaching a marriage retreat for the last week of the Trip.
I'm trying hard to stay focused on the tasks at hand. It is hard to believe that I won't just be visiting here anymore. In some ways it changes the dinamics of the things you do and the things you say, knowing that these are the people you are now going to live and work with; all of which is healthy. I hope and pray that everyone has a great time in the house of the Lord today. I know Scott Cooper will do a fantastic job in the pulpit at Fellowship. As we say here in Georgia, "Come On Wid It." :)