One of the main highlights of the trip for me was the VBS. This was going to be the time that we got to share the gospel and see some kids come to Christ. We had everything planned out, had our parts down, and skits practiced. We were doing VBS for the school kids and it was test day today. There were about 50 kids that came to school and to our VBS. One of the big treats for VBS is that the kids get peanut butter sandwiches. This is a huge treat because peanut butter is so expensive over here. The kids ranged from 5 years to 14 years old. This is a huge gap for VBS and they were all together. Any time you take a discovery trip (going to a place for the first time) you basically learn what not to do. It is hard if not impossible to come into a new culture and hit a home run right off the bat. We defiantly learned some lessons today. The program went off just like we planned it, but we will do it completely different next time. Unbeknownst to us, this was the kids 3rd VBS in a short amount of time. I felt like and they acted like they were going through the motions to get to the peanut butter. Even if this was the case the gospel message did go out. I think next time for an effective response we need more days to really drive home the concepts of the gospel message. The kids were suffering from information overload and some of them just checked out. I don't blame them for that, it was just to much to fast. We did have a good debriefing meeting in which some planning was noted for the next one.
It is funny how God works. I was so set on this VBS being the reason for the whole trip, but that wasn't God's agenda at all. I always look for the supernatural events on the trip. The ones that make you say, "Ah, That's why we came. The supernatural event this week has been watching Karlata break through to these girls in the orphanage in a way that has amazed even the directors. The ministry that she has started with these girls will last long after this trip is over and Karlata's return has already been offered. Her work with these girls will effect and change each and every one of their lives. This is a huge success and blessing to me and most defiantly makes the trip worth it. Every day Karlata as more sessions with the girls so please pray that God would give her strength and wisdom as she ministers to the House of Hope girls. One of the girls told her today. If you made and you are O.K. I think I can make it too. If that's not hope I don't know what is. God be praised.
At the same time the team is growing closer together everyday and finding new paths to travel in our own walk with Christ.
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