I remember growing up in a midsize Church in Houston, TX, now North Park Baptist Church where missions was always at the forefront of our minds. It is an Independent Baptist Church which means we supported our own missionaries directly. The plus side of this kind of Missions Program is that you get to see and meet the missionaries in person instead of just seeing their stats on a spreadsheet. (There are some negatives to this type of system as well, but this is just one of the positives).
Because the missionaries had to raise their own support they would travel around all over the country (that would be the negative side) and preach in any church that would let them, hoping they would be taken on with monthly support. So, I heard hundreds if not thousands of sermons on reaching the world for Christ. I got to witness first hand how men and women would push through the struggles of deputation just to see their people group have a witness of Jesus Christ. I have to be honest, it made an impact on my heart. I would dare say it made it very easy for me to answer the call of God on my own life.
There are still couples traveling all over the country trying to raise the support needed to preach the gospel in foreign lands and I applaud their efforts. It seems that with the modern movement of programming the church services, there is little time or room to hear a man's burden for the lost in other places. Jesus was very intentional about giving his disciples a world view of evangelism. They were commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel. This is a command and a responsibility that we still have as disciples today.
I have had Ivan Kunderenko staying in my home for the last few days. He is a Pastor in Ukraine and aides the churches of Ukraine in understanding the Cults in the area. He is truly a warrior for the cause of Christ. He will be addressing our core group in the meeting this evening. I am excited to introduce him to the people of our church. As Kingdom Builders, We will take every God-given opportunity to advance His kingdom in this world.
Because the missionaries had to raise their own support they would travel around all over the country (that would be the negative side) and preach in any church that would let them, hoping they would be taken on with monthly support. So, I heard hundreds if not thousands of sermons on reaching the world for Christ. I got to witness first hand how men and women would push through the struggles of deputation just to see their people group have a witness of Jesus Christ. I have to be honest, it made an impact on my heart. I would dare say it made it very easy for me to answer the call of God on my own life.

I have had Ivan Kunderenko staying in my home for the last few days. He is a Pastor in Ukraine and aides the churches of Ukraine in understanding the Cults in the area. He is truly a warrior for the cause of Christ. He will be addressing our core group in the meeting this evening. I am excited to introduce him to the people of our church. As Kingdom Builders, We will take every God-given opportunity to advance His kingdom in this world.
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