One thing I know for sure is that all of life is about relationships. A person is happy when their life is full of good healthy relationships and a person is sad if his or her relationships are not healthy or non-existent. God tells us that we were created in his image and likeness which tells me that God is relational as well. God has no desire to be alone but to share his life and creation with people who will share their love and life with Him. God cares so strongly about having these relationships that it drove him to sacrifice his own Son so that these relationships could be restored and maintained for all of eternity. This in itself should reveal how valuable these relationships are. I think it is a shame when people take the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus as a ticket to get out of Hell or condemnation and never give God the relationship for which He died.
Our core values at Reliant are:
- Disciple Makers: We will make every effort to multiply our faith through evangelism and mentoring.
- Bible Believers: The Bible is our final authority for all life and practice.
- God Pleasers: By faith we will please God and trust him with our lives.
- Community Engagers: Ministry runs on the rails of relationships.
- Kingdom Builders: We will take every God-given opportunity to advance His kingdom in this world.
I don't believe anyone can effectively accomplish the ministry of Christ and not engage your community. Christ's ministry was not a christian Walmart where consumers can come and find whatever they want and need. Ministry is in the trenches with other people, loving them right where they are; finding the lost and shining the light of the gospel. We can no longer sit back and hope that the blind wonder into our buildings. We must follow the command of the Lord and go into all the world and preach the gospel. We must seek and save that which is lost. We Must Be Community Engagers!
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